Jason Gursky |
my undergraduate and graduate college years, I explored Psychology,
compared Religions, and was fascinated by Abraham
Maslow's theories on Self
My teachers gave me Theories, but nothing practical. |
answers, I traveled to many interesting spiritual sites in the world,
earned a few graduate degrees, and even held a few interesting jobs,
where I met a few interesting examples of the Potentials of the human
Spirit. |
1990, I was downsized when UCLA closed the department where I was
working. Although, I was very happy to end this job. At that time,
I started exploring the positive Potentials of Spirit. |
1992, I was again downsized as a UCLA Assistant Director and found
myself with plenty of free time to explore life. I also was very happy to end this job. I developed
the ideas of proSpirit.org
and continued my exploration of the positive potentials of a progressing Spirit. |
In 2000, I was working as a Webmaster for an Internet company and
I was once again downsized,
and I was beginning to sense a pattern. But, I was happy to end this job. I sensed another pattern was emerging here. My time off lead me to develop ... proSpirit.org
... a 'spiritually profitable' website. (Not to be confused with
proSpiriit.com, a 'monetary profitable' site. proSpirit.com was
once part of proSpirit, but one of my Internet boss required that
I pay him for it, so I lost the .com domain. But that's another story.) |
One of
the many lessons that I have learned, is that I do not have the
desire to work for specific kinds of bosses. These jobs did introduce
me to many people who display the wonders of the Potentials
of the human Spirit. I was fortunate that among my challenging bosses, I have also met
some positively wonderful people. |