the Crab  the Crab

Sign of Confidence
Introspection tempered with Acceptance

In the quest for the Confidence of Personal Identity, the means of Introspection tempered with Acceptance is ideally symbolized by the Sign of the Crab.
The Crab symbolizes progressing from Potential #3's the Diversity of Abilities into Potential #4's Nurturance that develops Self Confidence of Identity.
When you have developed the Diversity of your Abilities, as symbolized by the Twins, you have completed the sub-area of Personal Abilities and are ready to enter the sub-area of Personal Identity. You are ready to progress into the 4th Potential of a progressing Ego, to develop Self-Confidence as symbolized by the Crab.
Introspection will Nurture your Identity and develop Confidence.
The Crab is always nurturing itself and as it grows larger, it becomes more confident. This is a great symbol for the Spirit that uses Introspection to nurture itself, to become more Confident.
Explore deeper through Ego Potential # 4: Confidence

Kilroy says ...

Progress ahead to explore the 5th Potential of a progressing Ego:

or explore the Sign of : the Lion

Explore the Potentials of a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

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