the quest for the Confidence of Personal
Identity, the means of Introspection tempered
with Acceptance is ideally symbolized by the Sign of the
Crab. |
Crab symbolizes progressing from Potential
#3's the Diversity of Abilities into Potential #4's Nurturance that develops
Self Confidence of Identity. |
you have developed the Diversity of your Abilities, as symbolized by the
Twins, you have completed the sub-area of
Personal Abilities and are ready to enter the sub-area of Personal Identity.
You are ready to progress into the 4th Potential of a progressing Ego,
to develop Self-Confidence as symbolized by the Crab. |
will Nurture your Identity and develop Confidence. |
Crab is always nurturing itself and as it
grows larger, it becomes more confident. This is a great symbol for the
Spirit that uses Introspection to nurture itself, to become more Confident.
deeper through Ego
# 4: Confidence