the Scales  the Scales

Sign of Harmony
Balance tempered with Decisiveness

In the quest for the Harmony of Inter-Personal Relationships, the means of Balance tempered with Decisiveness is ideally symbolized by the Sign of the Scales.
The Scales symbolize progressing from Potential #9's Discrimination of Self Perfection into Potential #7's Balance of Inter-personal Harmony.
When you have developed Self-Perfection as symbolized by the Virgin, you have completed the sub-area of Personal Identity and are ready to enter the sub-area of Inter-Personal Relationships. You are ready to progress into the 7th Potential of a progressing Ego, to develop Relationship Harmony as symbolized by the Scales.
Balancing your personal and inter-personal desires with an-other will develop Harmony.
Explore deeper through Ego Potential # 7: Balance

Kilroy says ...

Progress ahead to explore the 8th Potential of a progressing Ego: Passion

or explore the Sign of Passion: the Scorpion

Explore the Potentials of a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

Enhance your exploration ... Personalize it, make it your personal progression thru your own Potentials.
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