explores the aspects of Spirit as it is expressed thru the Lower Self of Ego.
Religion explores the aspects of Spirit as it is expressed thru the Higher
Self of Soul.
We live every moment expressing attitudes or actions that reflect either the Self (Ego) or the Higher Self (Soul). At every moment, the level we choose to express of our Spirit is the core
challenge of life.
But, how we express ourself is ultimately up to us. We may not totally be the master of our Fate, but we are the masters of our Attitudes and Actions. By mastering your Attitudes and Actions, you can master you Fate.
"Progressing" as an
individual, a couple, a group, or a society, is our daily challenge.
How we choose to face or not face this challenge will shape our Destiny as individuals and as a people.
Let's begin by reviewing
my 2 favorite authors and then re-work them:
Sigmund Freud
described facets of our personality with the terms:
Ego, Id, and Superego.
Re-Creationism builds on Freud to define these facets as Ego, Id, Soul, and SuperId.
Abraham Maslow described
a Hierarchy of Needs to become a Self-Actualized person.
Re-Creationism builds on Maslow and describes a Hierarchy of Desires or Potentials to become a Self-Actualized person.