The 1st Potential of a progressing Ego:
Will Power tempered with Patience.

When having a strong Foundation of the Right Attitude to engage in the Daily Struggle for healthy growth is a natural part of your personality, you're ready to enter the sub-area of Personal Ego Abilities and develop the 1st Potential of Empowerment.
Empowerment develops from the Awareness of your Potentials and the Desire to achieve them. Your Desire will develop the Will Power to Initiate your Personal Abilities and will continue to Initiate your actions to develop each of your Potentials. The 1st Potential of Ego develops Will Power rather than Won't Power.
Developing the 1st Potential of a progressing Ego develops the Will Power to have Initiative in life, tempered with the ability of Patience.
Build upon the Awareness of your Empowerment to explore the 2nd Potential of a progressing Ego: Personal Abilities Direction

May your Attitude become your Potential.
Or, go deeper thru the 1st Potential of a progressing Eg: Empowerment


Awareness becomes Empowerment.

Empowering your
Personal Abilities is your 1st Potential of Ego.

Empowered by Desire, you enter the Daily Struggle for Initiative.

Developing Will Power to Initiate your Awarenesses into Actions.

The 1st Potential of a progressing Ego is Empowerment with

Having Empowerment, you're ready to enter

2nd Potential of a progressing Ego:

Personal Ability Direction

Sign of  Empowerment  ... The Ram


Having the Will Power to Initiate desires into actions. The Ram, its head ever bucking its horns and charging ahead. A perfect symbol for the 1st Potential of Empowerment.

Phases of Empowerment
1 2 3 4
of the
to achieve the Potential
to improve the Means
Aware of Empowerment Will Power Patience Being Empowered

Suggestions  for Empowerment

Desire - Will Power - Initiative - Patience

Build on your Desires to develop the Will Power to Initiate actions.

Build on the Awareness of your Desires, create the Will Power to develop Initiative.

Shadow Traits of Empowerment 

Impatience - Will Power - Lack of Initiative -
Lack of Empowerment

Daily Thoughts on Empowerment


Read all the Daily Thoughts about Empowerment

In the fullness of Time:

Ram's Cyber-Guide to Empowerment.

Empowerment progresses into Perseverance

Build on your Empowerment to explore the 2nd Potential of a progressing Ego: Ability  Direction

Lama of Awareness

Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

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