The Ram: Patient Initiative

Sign of Empowerment
Initiative tempered with Patience

In the quest for the Empowerment of Personal Abilities, the means of Initiative tempered with Patience is ideally symbolized by the Sign of the Ram.
When you have developed a strong Foundation of being Aware of your desired growth and have learned how to overcome your daily Struggle against the Interferences to your growth, as represented by Serpent Wrestler, you are ready to progress into the 1st Potential of a progressing Ego. You are now ready to develop your Empowerment to Initiate your Desires into Abilities, as symbolized by the Ram.
Will power overcomes Won't Power to Initiate Desires into Abilities.
Explore deeper through Ego Potential # 1: Empowerment

Kilroy says ...

Progress ahead to explore the 2nd Potentialof a progressing Ego: Direction

or explore the Sign of the 2nd Potentialof a progressing Ego: the Bull

Explore the Potentials of a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

Enhance your exploration ... Personalize it, make it your personal progression thru your own Potentials.
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