We are the Way
The Foundation of Ego Awareness
Welcome to the Age of Awareness.

But Awareness is only the beginning.

Potential # Foundation Potential Description
0 Awareness Awareness of your Potential is the Foundation for a progressing Ego.
As a Foundation for growth, it's based on Free Will tempered by Choice.
As a Sub-Area, it develops Attitude. Since proSpirit.org supports only healthy growth we'll focus only on Right Attitude.

With the Awareness of the 12 Potentials  of Ego, you become Aware of a series of Potenials and a pathway to achieve them. Self Actualization is no longer just an abstract concept.
Awareness is your first step to achieve your Potentials. Once you are Aware, your development no longer needs to be random. Your Awareness will direct your Destiny.
It all begins with Awareness
It all begins with Awareness

Karma, is the life you get from the consequences of your attitudes and actions. Your attitudes and actrions will control the direction of your growth. When you become Aware that you control many aspects of your Destiny, you are on a healthy path of positively progressing growth.

You can pray for deliverance, but the wise are Aware that by their own attitudes and actions, they create their Destiny.

Beware selling your Spirit to unhealthy attitudes and actions. In the Faustian legend, those that sell their Souls to the Devil, no longer cast shadows.

Seeking good in all attitudes and actions, is always a good idea. By seeking good, we become Better.

The Cyber-Guide to Self Actualization presents a clear pathway to becoming the 12 Potentials of your Ego.
Having an Awareness of the Potentials of Ego is the Foundation to develop your Ego Potentials. Your Awareness will also shape how you progress thru each of the Potentials of Ego and how you prepare your Ego to explore the Potentials of Soul.
Maintaining your Awareness and your Desire for your Potentials of Ego will be continuing Challenges for a progressing life.
Karma refers to your Fate that you create through your own attitudes and actions. Becoming Aware that your own attitudes and actions will shape your destiny, is your first step to becoming all of your Potentials.
When you know where you're going, you can create a plan to you get there.

Right Attitude shapes your Potential  ...  here are some helpful daily quotes

Build on your Awareness of the 12 Potentials of Ego to explore the Foundation of Right Attitude,

or, explore the sub-areas of Personal Abilities, Identities, Inter-Personal Relationships, and Roles.

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Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

Enhance this exploration ... Personalize it, make it your own progression thru your Potentials.
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proSpirit.org ® Jason's Cyber-Guide to Self Awareness
proSpirit.net® proSpirit's Cyber-Guides for Progressing Spirit

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