Suggestions to develop an Ego Foundation: Right Attitude

Solitude - Contemplation - Awareness - Choice

When you Contemplate, you push aside all the interferences and worries of life and contact the inner peace that is within you. And you find it, you replace the mind's scattered thoughts with focused thinking.
It is suggested that you explore the many styles of Meditation and choose one that is right for you.
The following is a link to the Advanced Search page of Google to help you explore Meditation.

When the morning sun first hits your face. Be Aware of the energy of the Light that you are radiating.
Use that energy when you engage in the Daily Struggle to overcome the obstacles that hinder your healthy growth. Using the sun's energy to maintain your Right Attitude, you will succeed.
Seek Responsibility ... Develop Dedication ... Find Right Attitude.
Sit still ... seek the deeper inner silence within us ... become Aware of your Potentials.
Meditation is one of many techniques for the Awareness of your Potentials.
Meditation ... reflection ... thinking ... no matter what you want to call it, sit still, watch how your mind wonders. As your thinking mind wonders from thought to thought, reign in your thoughts and direct your thoughts so that you are Aware that every day is a Daily Struggle will develop your Potential.
Sit quietly and still the mind. Put all worries aside for just a few minutes. This is far harder than it sounds. But the more successful you are, the more successful will be your healthy growth.
By directing your thoughts on your Daily Struggle for healthy growth, you will see clearly the many daily interferences to your growth. And by being Aware, you will be able to overcome the stream of Interferences and remain directed towards your healthy growth.
Meditate on this: Right Attitude develops Right Destiny.
Meditate on this: Awareness of the Interferences to growth, will make it easier to maintain healthy growth. Mediation will help you develop a strong Foundation to amke progressing thru all the Potentials of a progreessing Ego much easier.
Solitude, Meditation, Awareness, Choice. These suggestions will help you develop the Right Attitude to develop the 12 Potentials of Ego. In quiet solitude, you will be able to quiet the mind and find peace. In finding peace, your Meditation will provide Awareness. Your Awareness will reveal Choice. Being Aware of your Choices will help direct your growth and your development through the Potentials of Ego.
For a stronger Foundation, try the Serpent Wrestler's Cyber-Guide to Right Attitude.

Developing your Awareness of your Potentials is the Foundation to becoming your Best.
If yo
Responsibility with Dedication makes achieveing all your Potentials easier.
Being Dedicated to your Awareness of your Potentials and Right Attitude prepares a you to develop your all of your Potentials.
Meditate on this ... Responsibility with Dedication is the Foundation of a healthy Ego.
To progress thru the 28 Degrees of Right Attitude ... Explore the Sign of ... the Serpent Wrestler .

May your Attitude become your Potential.

Explore Right Attitude, the Foundation for a progressing Ego, or
explore the Suggestion to progress thru the 1st Potential of Ego: Initiate your Abilities

Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

Enhance your exploration ... Personalize it, make it your personal progression thru your own Potentials.
For a semi-personalized exploration, mouse over pictures, animated images or the embossed words.
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