Suggestions to develop Potential #10: Security

Seek Discipline ... Develop Enjoyment ... Find Security

Discipline your Ego for Security 
Security ... Discipline to achieve your Inter-Personal Roles. Being Secure adds to your Traits needed to achieve your remaining Potentials.
To progress through the 11th Potential of Security, one develops and strengthens Discipline and Enjoyment. Securty without Disicpline is laziness. Discipline without Enjoyment is a grind.
To support progressing thru the Aspects of Security ... explore the Sign of the Mountain Goat
Meditate on this: Only you can develop your own Inter-Personal Security.

Build on your Inter-Personal Significance to develop your Inter-Personal Security.
Disiciplining your Roles builds the Security to achieve all of your Potentials.
Discipline with Enjoyment builds healthy Inter-Personal Security.
Disciplining your Roles prepares a you to develop all of your Potentials.
The 10th Potential of Ego develops Discipline. Discipline will develop Security in your Inter-Personal Roles.
Meditate on this ... Discipline with Enjoyment is the 10th Potential of a progressing Ego.
To progress thru the 28 Degrees of Security ... explore the Sign of ... the Mountain Goat.

 Add Meaning to your Security by paying your proSpirit dues

  Explore the Suggestion to progress thru the 11th Potential of Ego: Enhance your Roles

Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

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