Aspects of a progressing Spirit
Awareness of the Aspects of Spirit is the 1st aspect of your Potentials.
Like a diamond, the Spirit is composed of many facets, or Aspects.
To expediate your progression, explore the Aspects of Spirit.

Aspect Description
2 Levels of Spirit The 2 Levels of the Lower Self of Ego and the Higher Self of Soul.
3 Areas of Ego The Personal, Inter-Personal, and Trans-Personal Areas of Personality.
5 Sub-Areas of Ego Sub-Areas of Personal Attitude, Personal Abilities, Personal Identity, Inter-Personal Relationships and Inter-Personal Public Roles.
1 Foundation for a Progressing Ego Right Attitude is a Foundation through all the Potentials of Ego.
12 Stages or Potentials of Ego Explore the 12 Stages or Potentials of a Progressing Ego.
4 Phases thru each Potential

Awareness of a Potential, Means to achieve, Temperance to improve, and Being are the 4 Phases through each Potential of Ego.

7 Elements thru each Phase Awareness, Desire, Means, Ideas, Feelings, Ideal Amalgamation, and Curiosity are the 7 Elements through each Phase of Ego.
28 Degrees thru each Potential 4 Phases, each with 7 Elements = 28 Degrees thru every Potential.

 Only you can Self Actualize.
Explore deeper thru the Aspects and Symbols of a progressing Spirit.

Progress towards


by exploring Jason's

Cyber-Guide to Self Awareness.
Lama of Awareness

Or, explore the  Potentials for progressing your Ego thru a of Signs and

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Enhance your exploration ... Personalize it, make it your personal progression thru your own Potentials.
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