The Lightness of Spirit Ideas develop Feelings 
Feeling of What Is

The 5th Element thru every Phase

The 5th Element thru every Phase develops a Feeling of the specific Phase of a Potential.
Developing a Feeling about the Phase strengthens your Desire and Commitment.
Without Feeling, your Actions and Attitudes will be random and unfocused.
Every Phase develops a Feeling of a specific Phase.
When Feeling the Phase is part of your Spirit, you are ready to progress.

Feeling ... adds the Emotion to Life.
Build on your Feeling, explore Element # 6 :  Enter here for the 6th Element thru every Phase. Merging the Elements of the Phase into the Ideal.

Element 1
Element 2
Element 3
Element 4
Element 5
Element 6
Element 7

Explore the 4 Phases or the 28 Degrees thru the Foundation and 12 Potential of a progressing Ego.

Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

Enhance your exploration ... Personalize it, make it your personal progression thru your own Potentials.
For a semi-personalized exploration, mouse over pictures, animated images or the embossed words.
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