Three Apostles Awareness develops Desiring
Desiring of What Is

The 2nd Element thru every Phase

The 2nd Element thru every Phase develops a Desire for the specific Phase of a Potential.
Having a Desire for the Phase provides the Motivation for achieving the Phase.
Without the Motivation, you'll have a harder time to continue through the Phase.
Every Phase develops the Desire for the specific Phase to complete the Phase.
When having a Desire for the Phase is part of your Spirit, you are ready to progress.

Desire ... is the engine that makes thing happen.
Build on your Desire, explore Element # 3 :  Enter here for the 3rd Element thru every Phase. Doing Actions for the Objective of the Phase.

Element 1
Element 2
Element 3
Element 4
Element 5
Element 6
Element 7

Explore the 4 Phases or the 28 Degrees thru the Foundation and 12 Potential of a progressing Ego.

Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

Enhance your exploration ... Personalize it, make it your personal progression thru your own Potentials.
For a semi-personalized exploration, mouse over pictures, animated images or the embossed words.
To progress thru proSpirit ... use the embossed words, underlined links, this link to go back to your Last page, or use the following navigational drop-down menu. ® Jason's Cyber-Guide to Awareness.®  proSpirit's fee based Cyber-Guides.

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