Curiosity for More Being more than an Ideal develops Curisoity is your Exit from one Phase and preparation for the next.
Curiosity of What Else There Is

The 7th Element thru every Phase

The 7th Element thru every Phase develops Curiosity to explore for higher growth.
Being Curious of your Potentials helps to avoid being Fixated after completing a Phase.
After developing the Ideals of a Phase, without Curiosity, you may become Fixated and fail to continue on your development through the Potentials of a progressing Ego.
Every Phase ends with Curiosity to explore for a higher Phase to develop and achieve.
When being Curious of a higher Phase is part of your Spirit, you are ready to progress.

Curiosity ... is waht takes you to a higher place.
Build on your Curiosity, explore Degree # 1 :  Enter here for the 1st Degree thru every Potential. Becoming Aware of your Awareness.

Element 1
Element 2
Element 3
Element 4
Element 5
Element 6
Element 7

Explore the 4 Phases or the 28 Degrees thru the Foundation and 12 Potential of a progressing Ego.

Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

Enhance your exploration ... Personalize it, make it your personal progression thru your own Potentials.
For a semi-personalized exploration, mouse over pictures, animated images or the embossed words.
To progress thru proSpirit ... use the embossed words, underlined links, this link to go back to your Last page, or use the following navigational drop-down menu. ® Jason's Cyber-Guide to Awareness.®  proSpirit's fee based Cyber-Guides.

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