Merging into the Ideal of What Is

The 6th Element thru every Phase

The 6th Element thru every Phase Merges together the Elements of the Phase of a Potential.
Merging together, not focused on either your Awareness, Desires, Actions, Thoughts or Feelings, but you are focused on Being all of the Elements amalgamated together.
The Merging of all the Elements of a Phase is analagous to the alchemist merging base metals into gold.
The 6th Element thru every Phase focuses on Merging of all the Elements of the Phase into an Ideal amalgamation of all the traits developed thru that Phase. This is a difficult Element to fully understand. Unfortunately, it's because those who have not become the Ideal Merging of a Phase's traits do not know it. While those who have become the Ideal Merging of a Phase's traits know and feel it.
It's like knowing Love. Before you experience Love, you only know it's definition. But when you experience Love, you totally feel it, way beyond words. This has been described in other ways, such as, "Before knowing Zen, mountains were mountains. Learning Zen, mountains were no longer mountains. Knowing Zen, mountains were again mountains. Or, "Those that speak, do not know. Those that do not speak, know".
Merging all the traits of a Phase together to form the Ideal, or Quintessence of that Phase.
When Merging all the parts into the Ideal of the Phase is your Spirit, you are ready to progress.

Being ... Amalgamates all previous Traits into an Ideal.
Build on your Merging, explore Element # 7 :  Enter here for the 7th Element thru every Phase. Curiosity for more than the Objective of the Phase.

Element 1
Element 2
Element 3
Element 4
Element 5
Element 6
Element 7

Explore the 4 Phases or the 28 Degrees thru the Foundation and 12 Potential of a progressing Ego.

Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

Enhance your exploration ... Personalize it, make it your personal progression thru your own Potentials.
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