Summary: |
It all begins with Awareness |
To get better every day, in one specific way, on the 28th Day, Degree #28 focuses on developing your Curiosity to become more than Being the Potential. |
The 4th Phase is Being the Potential. |
The 7th Element thru the 4th Phase develops your Curiosity. |
The 7th Element thru the 4th Phase is Degree #28 and deals with developing the Curiosity of Being more than the Potential just completed. |
During the 6th Element of Merging, the focus was on becoming the Ideal of that Phase. The 7th Element develops Curiosity to avoid being Fixated with the Ideal and to explore for even higher growth. |
Means make it happen |
Suggestion: |
The suggestion to progress thru Degree #28, is to explore and strengthen your Curiosity to develop more than Being a Potential. |
For this introduction, we'll focus on strengthening your Curiosity to develop more than your Awareness of the Foundation and all of the 12 Potentials of a progressing Ego.
Write on a piece of paper the Foundation 12 Potentials from the and listing the Potentials from 1 thru 12. You should be able to write these from memory. If you need to review them, please review Degree #25. |
Get an overview of the Foundation and all of the 12 Potentials of Ego, then hit the 'back button' on your browser to return to this page to continue the suggestion for Degree #28. The endpoint of Degree #28 is only to be Curious of higher Potentials you can develop. |
For Extra
Credit of
the Spiritual Kind: |
Enhancing the Means make
it happen faster |
Credit will be presented for each Degree for
a little expeditious goosing of growth. |
For extra credit, spend five minutes thinking about your Curiosity for the many new adventures and experiences you'll have during your plan for growth. Growth means never being stagnant. And growth opens you up for many new experiences. |
Curiosity for more than Being the Potential is the 28th of 28 Degrees thru the Potential and a great foundation for higher growth into developing the next Potential. |
Being Awareness |
For Advancement into the next Degree: |
After completing the 28th Degree of a Potential, when being Curious for a higher Phase is part of your Spirit, you are ready to progress. |
But Curiosity, is not enough to Be a Potential. When your development focuses on exploring for an even higher Phase to develop, you are entering the next Phase. |
You will progress into the 1st Degree of the next higher Potential when your Curiosity to become more, becomes the Awareness of a higher Potential to develop. |